The North Cork Community Neuro Rehabilitation Team (CNRT) provide a number of services from the Gilbert Centre
These services include:
• Speech and language therapy (SLT)
• Physiotherapy (PT)
• Occupational therapy (OT)
• Community Neuro Rehabilitation Team (CNRT)
Speech and language therapy (SLT)
The HSE Speech and Language service for North Cork is located in the Gilbert Centre. This provides and assessment and treatment service for adults with communication impairments and speech impairments.
A dysphagia (swallowing) assessment service is also available. Adults can be referred to this service by their own GP or their health professional. Individual programmes include rehabilitation techniques for swallowing difficulties and communication therapy programmes. Group programmes currently available include a social communication group which run three times a year in blocks of 5-6 weeks.
For more information on any of the above please contact 022 58700
The HSE physiotherapy service in the Gilbert Centre provides a service to adults with physical and/or sensory disability. Services are provided on a group basis e.g. MS exercise classes. For more information on any of the above please contact 022 58700
Community Neuro Rehabilitation Team (CNRT)
The Community Neuro Rehabilitation Team (CNRT) HSE, is a community based rehabilitation service for people who have been in hospital and meet the criteria for inclusion in a home based rehabilitation programme. The team operate from the facilities at the Gilbert Centre.
The objectives of the service are:
• To facilitate a timely discharge from hospital.
• To provide timely multidisciplinary rehabilitation.
• To provide carer support.
• To increase a clients independence in day to day activities and promote recovery.
Examples of a patient who may benefit from CNRT
• Patients with a temporarily reduced level of independence.
• Patients with neurological conditions such as stroke.
The team comprises of physiotherapy (PT), speech and language therapy (SLT), occupational therapy (OT), and nursing.
Contact Us
Further information on the service can be obtained by contacting the team at 022 30790.