Services Offered
The aim of Employability services is to promote equal opportunities and embrace diversity to match the employment skills and career aspirations of people with a health condition, injury, illness or disability. Meeting the labour requirements of employers, and with the support of a dedicated team of job coaches.
Additional Services Offered and Links
Individual Placement and Support (IPS) to help people with mental illness find and keep competitive employment. “Competitive employment” means work in the community that anyone can apply for and pays at least the minimum wage.
The Special Initiative for Travellers
(SIT) focuses on job-ready Travellers and supports their access into employment and enterprise development. Members of the Travelling Community are not required to have a disability in order to avail of the service. It is a free service, funded by the Department of Justice and Equality, and the project is based on meeting the training and employment needs of members of the Travelling community.